Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I don't know where to start

I went home for the weekend - and it always bring ssuch a load of emotions. NO exception this time when we drove through Lafayette - I just wanted to stay.

My folks are up at Mayo again, Dad is busy this week being poked and prodded to see if he is ready for the transplant. The doctor should let us know by Thursday if we are doing a transplant or not.

I've taken off 10 days at the end of the month so that Mom won't have to be alone while Dad is in isolation after the transplant. My inlaws offered to buy the ticket, called Justin to confirm that I was going - then didn't buy the ticket. They fucking exhaust me. My biggest pet peeve is people who offer to help - then don't . And unfortunately, that is exactly what they keep on doign.

Justin has to take up the slack when I am gone - and I know the past four days were tough on him - adn on the boys. Being a single parent is not easy even if you are accustomed to being a single parent.

Bear got to visit with one of her friends on the way home - we stopped at Panera for breakfast adn visited with Laurel and Chaz - they are so incredibly cute together.

Then we made a quick pit stop to see a friend of mine from high school. He mentioned coming by to see me about 15 years ago- when Bear was a baby. I can hardly believe that he came by and I had forgotten all about it. That was back in the trailer days - so maybe I have blocked it from my mind... anyway, it was weird.

The rest of the trip home was just interminable - seemed like every possible excuse for stop adn go traffic happened - and it took us three hours longer than it should have.

So today I am back at work - but Ireally needed another day off - and I'm sleepy - and now I am headed to get some coffee to wake my brain up!

1 comment:

Envoy-ette said...

There are people in this world who think "offering" is enough...you know..."it's the thought that counts". Nothing you can do about them except let their words go in one ear and out the other. (and I say..."yeah, yeah, sure you will" and roll my eyes AT them) Don't know if it helps the situation ..but I sure feel better later!