Tuesday, October 24, 2006

As the World Turns

I am way too old to stay up until midnight and try to catch a 6:30 am flight. By 5pm Minnesota time, I was ready to pass out - so I crashed back in the room.

Wal-Mart is the same everywhere - kind of like Catholic Mass - no matter where you go, you can find what you need. They didn't have the organic creamer - but everything else was right were it should be.

Mayo is amazing - not like it is a shock - but wow - it surpassed my expectations. They have movies on demand - and we were able to watch Walking Tall to pass the last couple hours of treatment effortlessly.

The transplant house is full of amazing stories - and I have learned so much from the people I have talked to already. As a side note, if you haven't filled out that donor blank on your license, take a minute and do so - there are so many people who pass away waiting for organ donation - and what the heck are you going to do with your liver after you're dead anyway? I signed mine - so did my daughter and my husband.

The oncologist has changed the game plan two more times since Sunday. When my folks got in this morning, there was yet another change in the chemo schedule. They are treating it very aggressively with Rituxin to decrease the size of the tumors. Originally, they were going to be done over the weekend, now it looks like they may be here for a couple more weeks receiving this chemo regimine.

Dad had kidney stents replaced - and he is a braver person than I am - they didn't go in though the belly - or the back - they used the plumbing.

Yep - ouch is the appropriate reaction.

We have two days without procedures scheduled, so I am hoping to do a bit of sightseeing before I go home on Monday.

I looked at Native American jewelry in the Minneapolis airport - and could I have been drawn to the cool Lakota stuff - or the Ojibway - nope, strictly Navajo girl here. Every piece I asked about was Navajo. I'll ponder that more deeply later.

For now, I want to say thanks again for all your prayers, and I am lurking even if I dont comment these days. Somedays I just want to make the rounds and see how everyone else is doing - so if I haven't commented, please don't think it is because I haven't dropped by.


Anonymous said...

It's good that you're there for your Dad and Mom. I'm sure they are quite overwhelmed with all the medical jargon.

Praying for your Dad and your family. Take care.

Badpatty said...

I love you, honey. You're being a good daughter. I'm glad that you're able to spend some quality time with your folks. The boys and I miss you, and we look forward to seeing you soon.

taza said...

big ol' hugs, stace....you're in the right place, and don't worry about the house, i'm sure the walls will still be there at least when you get home.
we must sometime smile through the tears as life just keeps on going.

Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

I don't pop in much anymore since I started working again, but I like to keep up if I can.

I keep great thoughts for you and like Badpatty said, you are a good daughter. You're doing what you can.

Keep well.