Friday, December 23, 2005

Whirlwind Christmas

As I type this it is about 1:45. My dad is in surgery, getting shunts put in his kidneys to help them drain. I talked to him at lunch and he sounded fine. His back pain is gone - and the oncologist says there isn't a good reason why it should be gone. God cut him some slack - and maybe just maybe, we will be blessed with another miracle - we've lived through a couple already.

My dad survived a plane crash and a heart attack and lymphoma already, my mom and dad are still married and in love, I have a huge extended family. Jacob has survived brain surgery, Bear survived two car wrecks in two years, and Josh has survived the Ogre. We escaped intact last year and have found ourselves a bit displaced, but happy. All my kids are healthy, my animals are healthy, I have a husband who loves me and enough money to have all the bills paid before Christmas. I paid cash and there won't be any nasty credit card bills lurking in the January mail. I have some magnificent girlfriends - and have met dozens more through blogging - where I have really learned a lot this year.

Even though we hadn't planned on driving up to Indiana, that is the plan now. We leave before dawn Christmas Day. The local part of our family ( Including you YoJ, right?) are all coming with less than two day's notice over Christmas Eve - I don't think the house is clean enough - but who cares when you have presents!!!

In this country where there are people who don't have running water, or electricity or enough to eat, we are blessed. There were never any garuntees that the road would be easy " In this world you will have trouble, but I will be your Peace that where I am, there you may also be." And regardless of how this Christmas turns out, it is well with my soul.


SJ said...

You've been through a lot. You're a survivor. And you deserve all the happiness you have. My thought are with you for your dad.

Anonymous said...

Hope your Dad is doing okay. And I hope I get to meet you guys. Call me (765) 894-0939. Y'all drive safe!

J said...

Have the merriest of Christmas's Loner. You definatly are blessed. :)

Feel free to stop in for a visit on your way up! Warmest hugs for you & your family!