Friday, December 02, 2005

a Blast from the Past

Sometimes we make an indelible mark on another person's heart. A very long time ago I actually had a good boyfriend. He had a beautiful voice and a kind heart and was genuinely good to me. He took me to my junior prom- and we had a blast. I used to go to his family place by the lake to collect my thoughts in college - though retrospectively, I probably should have gone more often because I didn't do so hot in college. Somehow things got muddled and it didn't work out, though a couple of times over the years I talked to his folks to see how he was doing. He has always held a special place in my heart because even when things were not great between us, he remained a gentleman. I haven't talked to him since I got pregnant with Bear.

He called my dad a couple of days ago and got my e-mail address just because I was on his mind - how sweet is that?. I got pictures of him and pictures of his kids. Time has been much kinder to him than me, but living happily has it's perks. Same lineman build, same piercing blue eyes - that looking at the picture reminds me that Jake's are almost the same color. It is so wonderful to get to catch up - and even nicer to be able to say that I am happily married and things are finally going so well.

Isn't it just lovely when you get to see old friends...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love reconnecting with old friends and lovers. The internet has allowed me to do that with a few people and it's always been refreshing.