Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Do you believe?

I was reading Dear Abby this morning, and this little tidbit caught my eye. 'Tis the season - and in a couple of weeks we will be waiting patiently for Santa to come to the house and drop off our presents while we drive around and around the neighborhoods to see all the Christmas lights.

DEAR ABBY: I am 8 years old, and I have a question that has bothered me for months. Is Santa Claus a real person, and if not, why does everyone say he is? And if Santa Claus ISN'T real, where do all the letters go? -- CONFUSED IN KINGSTON, N.Y.

DEAR CONFUSED: Santa Claus is more than a human being. Santa Claus is the living symbol of selfless giving, handed down from one generation to the next. In 1897, a girl named Virginia asked the same question in a newspaper. A very wise newspaper editor, Frank Church, wrote in reply:
"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. ... The most real things in the world are those which neither children nor men can see. ... Thank God, he (Santa Claus) lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now -- nay, 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood."
Letters to Santa Claus go where every other letter goes -- directly to the U.S. Postal Service, which makes sure the letters reach their destination regardless of "rain, hail, sleet or snow."

Read on for a testimony from a true believer:
DEAR ABBY: Yesterday afternoon, as I was opening my mail, I came across an envelope with my name and address printed on it, but no return address. I assumed it was junk mail that had been made to look like a Christmas card, but curiosity got the better of me, so I opened it.
Inside was a Christmas card. It was signed "Santa," and inside were five $100 bills!
I checked the postmark. It read, "Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 9." Abby, I don't know anyone in Grand Rapids.
I'm divorced. My ex-husband hasn't been helping me to support our children. Times have been hard. Obviously, the card was sent by someone who cares about us very much -- someone who went to great trouble to remain anonymous. The money was a blessing. An equally great blessing is the fact that my children had a chance to witness such an act of generosity and kindness.
I hope that Santa is reading your column today, because I want to say thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. I am grateful. -- STILL BELIEVES IN SANTA, HOUSTON

DEAR STILL BELIEVES: I'm printing your letter with the conviction that some kind of elf will ensure that it is delivered as far north as a reindeer can fly. A perceptive person once said that true generosity is doing something nice for someone without taking credit for it. However, your case is exceptional -- and how fitting of your benefactor, "Santa," to take a bow. I know readers of all ages will be as gratified as I was to read about his act of kindness in this, the season of giving.

In 1998 I was a single mom with three kids. Jacob's seizures and the medical workup related to them had forced me to give up working a lucrative night job in the ER to about half the salary as a public health nurse. Child support was sketchy at best and we were way past broke.

Christmas came, and Santa brought each of the kids a new coat, new socks and shoes, toys and a huge basket of food - nearly a week's worth. He also brought an envelope to help with medical bills - $500 from the people who worked for the county.

Do I believe - absolutely. There has never been any question that wherever there are people who are willing to give of themselves - help others in need -
there is a Santa. The most real things in this world are those our eyes can never, joy, peace


Dale said...

Sometimes, I think Jesus and Santa Claus are brothers. They both espouse the same ideologies.

SJ said...

An interesting take on the tale. And why not see Santa as the personification of anonymous donation? After all, that's what he originally started out as, before commercialism took over. Good story, Loner!

Munch said...

This story brought tears to my eyes.

taza said...

oh, the link to the Kneeling Santa site made me laugh! i'm not much of a christmas person, but i am a big "returning to the light" person, so i just go underground after solstice until the new year.

so, best wishes for the best christmas yet, stace! you and your family deserve so much goodness to match the goodness you put out!