Wednesday, April 20, 2005

On Becoming a Wife

It is astounding to me the many contrasts in my upcoming wedding. One would think that after being, well, attacked, the last time I was married, that I would be having pre-wedding jitters. I found this story today about a man who was attacked by a shark and got right back in the water.Perhaps we have the same spirit - or the same foundational belief that if you are thrown from a horse you get right back on.

The most dramatic contrast is that my fiance' is actually excited about being married to me. How odd when I look back and realize that even though I have committed to " for better or for worse" - there has never been the exuberant joy that Justin seems to have emanating from his every pore. He gets this dreamy look and then says "you are going to be my wife" - and he is happy about that. I guess it is only fair to note that I have a high level of prenuptial joy of my own, and this odd internal sense of peace that I have never had before.

Friday night I brought home his ring - in trying to see if I liked it, I wore for a couple of hours myself - and managed to nick the finish on the car door. Justin tried it on and kept it on - wore it for hours and was excited about wearing the ring. How fantastic is that - he wants to wear the ring - he wants to be mine - not out of chivalry or obligation or necessity, but just because he wants to. I get to promise the rest of my days to someone who already wants to be there for the rest of my days - and he is going to promise his future to me as well. Absolutely amazing.

I have always believed it was nothing short of a miracle when two people who are designed for one another find each other and have the sense to hang on. I have watched my parents through forty plus years of marriage and always thought there was some secret to their success - and at last I have found it - my other half who is happy just to be here. If you are blessed enough to have your other half - make sure to tell him/her how very lucky you are to have them - if you are still waiting, take the advice of a thrice divorced woman - WAIT PATIENTLY, and don't settle - it is worth every second when the right one finally arrives.

1 comment:

magz said...

i'm all a-tingly for you... congratulations sincerely on your happiness. so many use their blogs to piss and whine and moan, that it's truely wonderful to read of such happiness.

SUCH a pleasant lumpy throat here!