Monday, April 18, 2005

Extreme Ushering

This weekend we discussed what roles the kids would like to play during the wedding and reception. My 13 year-old decided that he would like to help people to their seats. Here is a description of his version of extreme ushering:

Josh: Welcome to our house, let me show you to the buffet
Guest: Well, thank you young man.
Josh: No problem. (walking toward the back with the guest's arm in his.)
Then as they approach the table, Josh releases the arm and patting the unsuspecting guest firmly on the rear, says : Go get 'em, tiger!

Perhaps it is the rapid induction of testosterone over the last few weeks - I know it is running because the child has suddenly developed a level of hunger I have never seen before and has grown about 4 inches. Josh repeated this scenario, with a few alternative endings until I was doubled over and tears ran down my face in the kitchen.

So glad I let them come down off the roof!! And oh, yea, we gave Josh a different job - apparently can't trust him with ushering!!!

1 comment:

Badpatty said...

Honey, I LIKE his approach to ushering! I think that it would fit in SO well with the casual attitude of the whole day. Look on the bright side. If you had Jake doing it, he'd be grabbing people off of the street, telling them why his shirt is better than theirs, showing them where to find the best sticks, then leaving them so that he could get a drink while having forgotten to seat anyone!