Sunday, August 29, 2010

What do you think about when you have 11 hours to think

1. I will never again make someone a priority in my life - not their feelings of guilt, not their discomforts, not their self-esteem, not them as a whole - when I am an option in their life.  I have two friends who were sent emails asking for specific feedback - and I got nothing back.  Not "screw you" or I'm in the middle of something - or gosh, that would be great.  Just a big fat nothing. 
Let's be honest with one another - it is my pride that is hurt.  The feeling that I am not valuable enough to someone for them to write me back hurts my feelings.  It isn't necessarily a reflection of who either of us is- but rather, a reflection of the mutual respect we have for one another.

2. I need to re-evaluate what I am doing to motivate my kids - and get them moving along their path.  I know I am doing some things already - but I need to think of some other ways to help - I'll have plenty of time this week.

3. I am going to stop apologizing for helping out nearly every person who comes to me whether I have the resources or not.  It is the right thing to do - and whether they are taking advantage or not is between them and God - and has little to do with me.


Anvilcloud said...

Re. option #1, we all hate being ignored. Say, I don't have time for you, but say something for goodness sakes.

Loner said...

I think so too- something is better than a big nothing!