Thursday, August 05, 2010

Here we go again

It has been some time since I posted - the last two years encompassed in work and teaching CCD at my neighborhood church. The house has been renovated as a result of a nasty storm, I have grown accustomed, once again, to being single and am refocused on being a mother to my kids, and I still love my job. Quite a bit of improvement in just a couple of years.

A lot has happened, and I'll integrate some Jake stories for my old friends, just haven't gotten to that yet.

Last August, when Jake started high school, things were going pretty well.  About a month into the school year he had a seizure in gym class and knocked himself in the head with a barbell.  ER visit followed and it was the beginning of what has been a lengthy process.  His seizures are not in good control- by a long shot.  They come unbidden and without regard to triggers- unless you consider air and water as triggers.

So 12 months later, we are discussing a partial frontal lobectomy: taking a part of the frontal lobe out which is causing the seizures.

On one level, this scares the peanuts out of me.  But on the other hand, it could be the answer.

Jake has prayed constantly for God to take this burden from him- to let him lead a normal life and get a driver's license and a high school diploma- and the removal might just do the trick.

We'll keep you posted, but for now, the diversion I needed was to be able to write again, it is such good therapy.  And to the one person who might actually read after it has been so long since I posted, I thank you.

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