Friday, August 27, 2010

One More Day

I only have to get through one more day until our adventure begins.  I am glad that the wait is over, but there is a nagging issue that hasn't been resolved.

I know, funny, isn't it, that everything is packed, all of our registration is done, records are gathered, vacation time has been entered and the gas tank is full, but the one nagging issue is about a person.

I have had lots of time over the last two weeks to talk with those men who needed a conversation - a way of clearing my mental faculties and clearing my dance card, so to speak.  I have spoken with nearly all of my close friends- and they have been wonderful. I've had a talk with the kids and with Nicole and David who are not kids - and I am sure that things will move along just fine while I am gone.

But there is still this outlier.  Thoughts of him are like a radio playing softly in the bedroom with music that I know by heart, breaking through my consciousness when things are quiet for a moment and forcing me to sing the words without even thinking.  I can't turn it off - already tried that. There has not been resolution, and today when I tried to set up a time to meet face to face, I was aware that this little song may just continue playing in the background for quite some time.  Frustrating, but a possible reality. I don't have a quick little answer to this, so if you have one, let me know....

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