Thursday, July 13, 2006

Workin' for the weekend

I am so EXCITED about this weekend I can hardly stand it!

On Friday, as soon as I can escape from work I am driving up to see Berk! It is funny how you become friends with someone you have never met through this blogging. I can hardly wait. We'll take some pictures.

Then Saturday, I am going up to see my folks. Dad got a reprieve and won't do chemo again until next weekend, so I will actually get to see him at home. I made cookies and I'm bringing a stash of stuff from Whole Foods - so hopefully it will give my mom a little rest.
There is the distinct possibility that our friend who had the baby lamb will come over on Saturday and help Justin install my dishwasher. I make nearly everything from scratch - I need a dishwasher - and it isn't very effective in the carport.

Sunday - I head to Indy to get Jake. He has been at his dad's for almost a month, now. It is great for him to spend time with his other family - but I sure do miss him. He called yesterday ans said how much he missed me and wanted to come home. Man, I love that.

And in 7 days - Bear will be 19 - and three weeks after that - she will move away to college and I will only have two kids at home - something that has not happened since 1994. That is astonishing.


Dale said...

It's all good, Stace. So glad to hear your Life moving in a positive direction. Bloggers meeting bloggers. How cool is THAT??

J said...

I'm soooo EXCITED!!!!

What should we do tonight? huh?! Call me the second you roll off the exit ramp and I'll be there!


Just Me said...

Just don't have Berk give ya directions!

Ya'll have a blast tonight.

Anonymous said...

Swing on by. I'll give you some cherries!!!