Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Thanksgiving for July 4th

It has been almost 7 years now, since I took THE JOB in Tsaile Arizona. It had been a difficult couple of years, a marriage that didn't work out, a baby who had brain surgery - and a continuously empty wallet. I had a couple of close girlfirends - but they were both at the beginning of new relationships -and that changes the landscape of a friendship. I didn't feel very strong - but I knew I had to do something.

So I took a chance - trusted my Fate to God, who hadn't let me down yet - and sent out resumes to all the IHS recruiters. Two came back, Phoenix and Chinle Arizona. THis was disappointing because I had my heart set on Minnesota or Montana - some place northern. I packed up three kids - only one of whom gets any kind of support - and moved away to start an adventure. Funny thing about an adventure - if it doesn't work out, you can always come home - or try something else. That is what life is all about - try something - then try something else.

I was thinking of a friend today - and how sometimes we think it is bravery that is required to dream bigger - and allow ourselves to be happy. It isn't bravery at all. It is the knowledge that your life is not yet all that it could be - that you can love deeper and feel stronger and change things if your life looked different. The first step is the hardest - trusting your instincts and abilities. Lots of people told me I was crazy, but I am so glad I didn't let their opinions influence me - it was the best choice I have ever made.

So in the heat today - I was remembering my friends from there: Steph and Barb and Helen and Beulah, and Dr Organick and Larry - and of course Ernie and Marilyn and Shirley. I miss it so very much - and on days like today, where the sun is hot and the work is slow, I think of you all, and I am thankful.


Envoy-ette said...

Maybe doing something different isn't brave...but going against what everyone else THINKS you should do...IS! So glad it turned out for you!

Anvilcloud said...

I don't recall Tsaile, but we spent a night in Chinle a few months ago.