Monday, July 10, 2006

Scooch in already!

You know what drives me nuts - the total lack of manners shown by people in large groups. I see this at church - when there are tons of seats in the middle of the row - and no one scoots in so that the people standing in the back can sit down. Now I can see if you have a bathroom-related problem and you have to be on the end - but seriously, a room that holds 500 people isn't going to have a lot of difference in the view. Just sayin.

Then, on Saturday, we took Josh and his buddies to see that Pirate movie - it was sold out but we had bought our tickets ahead of time.I didn't expect that we would be able to sit together since we had gotten there only 10 minutes before the show - but there were lots of single seats open. I asked four different sets of people if they could scoot over so that we could have two seats together - they looked at me like I had asked them to give the their right arm. And then DID NOT MOVE. Can you even believe that? What is it with people and their total lack of consideration for others? I cannot imagine ignoring someones request to scoot down - we have done that before without even being asked - people need a place to sit when they are going to be somewhere for a couple of hours. How could all those people NOT know that is the appropriate way to act - to move down and make room. Shame on the theater managament as well, for selling out the show and not having someone come in to encourage folks to scoot down and make room. What a bad way, we as a country, have chosen to treat one another.


Dale said...

It's the "ME" generation, Stace. It's all about "me" and my entitlement. Sad, really, isn't it?

J said...

I always scooch, no matter where I am. That irks me as well, and Dale hit it right on the head. It's my generation to that's a bunch of selfish bastards. Lol.

You & Meritt are on a kick today. Hers was about tipping. :)

Envoy-ette said...

MY beef is that people don't put away their popcorn buckets and drinks in the trash can anymore. The worst...when a woman lines the toilet seat with toilet paper...and then LEAVES IT there for the next person to dispose of! (like...your BUTT was on this!)