Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Make mine Mocha, please

You may recall that a couple of weeks ago, we took in Baby Mocha, a newborn lamb, for her first night, when we thought maybe her momma wasn't able to nurse her well enough. Of course, you may actually have a life outside my backyard, so you may not remember that at all.

Well, I am just smitten by this baby. She has deep blue eyes and the softest downy fur on her forelegs. But it is the temperment that surprised me - I pick her up, she just holds still - what a beauty. No wonder Mary had a little lamb.
Earlier in the week, my friend Amber realized that even if she kept baby Mocha, she also had her father, so she wouldn't be able to be bred. This is good news for me - I didn't want to breed her anyway - I just like her - and since she is a sheep, she would actually EAT the grass in the yard. So now I am on a quest to find another ewe so that when Miss Mocha is done nursing, I will provide Amber with another unrelated ewe, and Mocha can come to my house. We went out to see her last evening - and in the process dropped off Misty - a duck who had hurt her foot and was getting rehab. I had to lance the foot - the duck HATES me - with a passion rarely seen in ducks. I was happy this morning not to be hissed at as though I were the Devil himself.

Ever since we started talking about the 4-year plan, to find a ranch and move back out to the Four Corners area and the Big Reservation, I can't seem to get enough of Tony Hillerman books. If you have any left overs you want to send my way - just ship 'em on over.

I apologize for the lack of current pictures - I just haven't gotten around to fixing the USB cable! Have a great Wednesday!

1 comment:

Doolittle Ranch said...

Oh My God, how adorable is that baby! Man you are such an inspiration. I find myself wanting to go out and rescue animals now.