Monday, July 31, 2006


Funny how fractured we are. I was thinking about that this weekend -how we are one person, but there are so many parts. I have a couple friends who have more than one blog. I have two - and even my kids, who are addicted to MySpce, have more than one spot. Some of that is because they want to watch who reads what - and some is because the part of their lives which is friend, adult and parent doesn't jive with the part of thier lives that is lover and dark secrets.

I don't know that I think anything is wrong per se with having different places to vent and journal. It just astonishes me, though, how often I find myself writing what I really want to say in my "other site" and choking those words down in real life. It should be okay to say things in the spirit of love and truth and understanding. It should be okay to be who we really are - to express what we really think -- and know that someone loves us anyway. Why is it safe to write anonymously, and yet, unsafe to talk to the people who are supposed to be the closeset to you?


Just Me said...

That's why I let my dh know about my blog. He's known for over 2 years though and only checked it out for the first time yesterday and then, only read a few posts. I think he's afraid I'll say something to hurt his feelings. Sometimes the way you really feel would hurt the person you love to much so you don't share it with them out of love and respect. That's my theory anyway.

nunya said...

I can say things to Bill (and you, for that matter) that I wouldn't want other people who read my blog to see. Some things you just don't want your parents to know, even when you're 39.

Madcap said...

I think there are some things better left unsaid, especially when you're emotional. You just can't take it back, and words can leave deep scars that the other person can't forget, even after you've cooled down and don't feel as strongly.