Monday, January 16, 2006

Dear Little Missy - you are a sour soul.

(needed to rant a sec here and get this off my chest - nothing ticks me off more than to do a good deed and have it rewarded by a bad attitude)
We rescued your goats for you - not for you or your thank you note or your hundred dollars, but because it is the right thing to do. We didn't have to put an ad in the paper, we could have just kept them - and believe me it was pretty tempting because they look just like goats we lost to a vet's mistake and they certainly pulled at our heartstrings.

You asked to come at 1, then called 15 minutes before you were expected to say you would be late. You agreed to come 3:30 so we could do our errand. Then had the audacity to come to my house at 2:45 and walk to the back fence as though you would just get your goats from my yard and leave. Luckily, my daughter asked you to wait until we got home, but you put her in a bad postion.

Your first mistake was passing judgement - what you didn't know is that I am doing the best I can and that the stacks of boxes in my carport are from trying to move during the weekends after working all week. My kitchen wasn't done because I hurt my back on Saturday and I couldn't stand long enough to do the dishes.

Things are not neat and tidy - like I would like them to be because I have made the unfortunate mistake of having my family believe I can do it all - so they see no urgency in trying to help me with the workload. When I am sick or have other things to do, housework just doesn't get done. It sucks, but it is the reality of my otherwise happy life.

I have taken it upon myself to know a lot about goats - that is why I gave you a list of medications and treatments I used so that you would know what was done. Basic nursing skill - tell the next person caring for your patient what you did. You looked down your nose at me when I said I was a nurse too - as though that couldn't be possible. Just because I don't flaunt 12 years of private school and two bachelors degrees by looking down at other people, doesn't mean I am stupid. Of the five of us, who you treated like backwoods idiots, four of us test at genius IQs - how dare you pass judgement because we are socially conscious and choose to live within our means instead of flaunting our wealth like spoiled children. Your bad attitude and bad manners made me want to send you away - and made me wonder what kind of mama you are to those sweet baby goats. Worse yet, you hurt my feelings after we did something nice for you.

I will take your reward money and buy myself a baby goat from a nice man who is polite to us and doesn't give a shit about money or social postition - he just wants them to go to a good home. And you know what, you may get to behave all high and mighty and think you are better than me, but I have a good home and good kids and a good husband and a life that makes me happy. I hope I never run across your soured soul again.


Sarah said...

I feel sorry for anyone who wastes their days on earth so wickedly. Probably never sees the beautiful little blessings that are all around. I am sorry that you had to encounter someone who left such a bad taste in your mouth. SMILE, you at least have a grasp on the truth about life.

nunya said...

Holy crap! Some people just weren't raised right... luckily, YOU were!

Anonymous said...

Geez-a-lou. Who was this city wench that got your panties all in a bind? She brought the Hoosier right out of you, didn't she? Screw the rich beeyotch!

Loner said...

Thanks for your kind words - oddly once I put it in print, I felt all better. What a weiner that girl was!

Ariel said...

I think you are a lovely person! Karma has a way of catching up with people.