Thursday, January 19, 2006

Farm things I need to know

1. How do you become an official animal rescue? We have the acreage, we have the money (sufficient unto the day), and the animal numbers are climbing. I want to do this legally so that the new neighbors will be happy and we will be happy and legal.

2. Is there a way to get Advantix without a vet perscription? We have spent countless dollars at the vet, and I hate to keep giving up more and more money if there is a less expensive way to do it.

3. Is there a place online that I can buy milking supplies? I need a milk bucket and milk strainer cup - when I google this, I get weird answers and they scare me with their warped-ness.

4. Where in the world can you get persimmon trees - I love how they look and I have always wanted a tree. Now I need a border for the back yard, and I want to get fruit trees and bushes to absorb all that sunshine and give us a bit of fruit.

5. How could I have missed out on Brandy? Justin brought some home, since Father Patty said it should be mixed in with the fig preserves - holy moley - it was a beautiful thing.

Okay - if you posess the wisdon - or the time to find out the answers, send me a note or leave me a comment.


Summer said...

Loner, check your email. I'm sending you a whole slew of information on flea/tick stuff and where to get it.

Sarah said...

I have passed your blog on to my aunt, we come from a long line of farmers, so hopefully she can help. If not she may know someone who can. Here is her blog site.

lifemundane said...

Loner, found a webite that has some really cool milking supplies for goats

Also a place to order persimmon trees:

I just introduced my Wonderful Man to Brandy also. He had the exact same reaction. Guess they don't drink it up in Corn country like we do here in the South.
Hope this helps.
Oh, I have started using a differant search engine.

nunya said...

Did you join Organic Homesteading Gardening? Backwater Jon is the man to go to for all sorts of information like what you're looking for.