Monday, January 23, 2006

The Parent Curse

On the way to look at a college this weekend, after checking out a new baby goat, my feet started burning. About a minute later, I found the pesky culprit fire ants crawling in my shoe. So I did what any sane person would do - I opened the window of a moving vehicle and brushed the ants into the wind.

Just as my daughter and husband said: Be careful not to drop your shoe.

And the shoe dropped..... along side the road..... where we couldn't turn around.

I seriously toyed with the idea of touring the college barefoot - or with one shoe

But we turned around and retrieved my less anty shoe and were on our way. ( not ant-free ind you because one little fellow had the audacity to bite me again about fifteen minutes after the first incident. I crushed him)

Parents, do not do this to your kids: Be careful not to_____( fill in the blank) because it is a parent curse and your child or significant other will immediately do whatever you filled in the blank with.


Badpatty said...

"What'll really bake your noodle later on is, would you have still broken it if hadn't said anything?"

-the Oracle and your husband

SJ said...

Ha! I can just imagine you hobbling round with one shoe. The college bursar mumbling "how will they ever afford our fees, when they only have one shoe!"

Ariel said...

When I first lived in Charleston I had the misfortune to step in a nest of fire ants. I'd never even heard of them. I got 3 stings/bites and my foot was so swollen and painful. Those suckers are nasty.

Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

Funny! I get caught in that too.

Did you find a Waffle House on the way? :)