Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Stupid non- luer lock syringes...grumble grumble

Three of our goats have been fighting pneumonia - seems as a breed they do well with cold - but this weird weather - 60 then 25 then dry then raining for days - just has their bodies in a tizzy. So about two weeks ago we did 5 days of antibiotic shots - which didn't kill whatever was making them sick. So we got new antibiotics - they are thick as molasses and the needle is the size of MONTANA. So I give the first round of shots with little drama three days ago. The goats are looking markedly better, so we decided to do round two. Last night, however - the slippery thick molasses antibiotics won - in both big goats I started giving the shot and the stupid syringe slid right off - spraying about 2cc of antibiotic goo into my nose and eyes. Wow, that was nice. Have you ever started to take an antibiotic and got it stuck in your mouth just a second too long - where you get a chance to taste it? Not a good taste. I read the package insert from the antibiotics to see what to do - no instructions - and best yet - there is a big warning about how this medication can cause tissue necrosis at the injection site. Great.

Today - everything smells and tastes funny - and my eyes feel like sandpaper - even though I did come inside and wash off right away.

Why in the world would the vet send us with syringes that do not have a luer lock( pictured below for your viewing pleasure) - like a screw cap for the needle - so that the freaking needle wouldn't come off in MIDSHOT!!! Okay - sorry for the rant, but the taste of antibiotics in my throat is making me a wee bit cranky.

I'm off to find some syringes - because I have to redo those two goat shots tonight. Farming is fun farming is fun - just keep chanting the mantra.


Badpatty said...

Farming IS fun, baby. . . most times.

Anvilcloud said...

You are amazingly patient, diligent, and dedicated. The thought of all of this work (and expense) makes me tired. :)

J said...

Man- you *are* patient. I would have thrown a fit, seeing that that's my own mantra as of late.

You're the best mama a goat could have! :)

Loner said...

you all are cute - in re-reading this, I think perhaps Glutton for punishment might just be tatooed in secret ink on my forehead!

Anonymous said...

You should see the big old metal syringes that we used to use in the 60s and 70s. One time my Dad and the neighbor were vaccinating big hogs and the hog was squirming. My Dad shot the syringe into the neighbor's leg. Ouch.

I don't care what you say. Farming is NOT fun.

Madcap said...

This is one aspect of farming I hadn't considered yet. I'm not much of one for needles. I guess I'll have to get over it!

SJ said...

You'd think these syringe manufacturers would get the point :)

Summer said...

We have both slip tip and leur lock at work. I prefer leur lock because of that whole medicine in the eye thing (been there, done that...totally sympathize with ya!). And, even when I'm using a slip tip syringe, I still catch myself twisting it down as if I'm going to be able to lock it in.