Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Fear is the Enemy

We are going back to seem my dad and get my things this weekend. Saddly enough, I am scared. Scared that there will be a confrontation with the Ogre, scared that somehow he will find us and hurt someone, scared to drive back into the area and possibly run into him. I know that Justin is able to protect us, but truth is that I am still scared. I haven't slept now in two nights, weird dreams and scenarios palying out in my head. I decided last night to augment sleep with a little White Russian, but it didn't help. First awakening was at 1 and they continued throughout the night. This morning at 3:25 I was sure I heard the alarm sound that someone was in the house, so I padded out with the BB gun and checked on everyone - haven't done that since September and it upsets me that I had to do it again.

Fear is the absence of faith and I know better than to be afraid - but I think we are so mu more susceptible when we are sleepy. Hope to sleep tonight so that I can be prepared for the trip!


Anvilcloud said...

I can't back up one of those trailers thingies to save my life.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, that was really well explained and helpful