Thursday, March 31, 2005

Another tomorrow becomes today

The sounds of the world awakening
Bring the promise of a new day dawning
The sunbeams dancing through leaves
get their toes caught on the lace curtains

The sun warms my face, bringing comfort
Like God Himself has cradled my face in His Hands
Telling me about love, about forgiveness
Reminding me of His promise to restore my dreams

Restoration is a new life, it isn't replacement of the old
It requires letting go of what I think I need
And accepting what He knows I need
Peace, love, acceptance, and and even playing field

As I leave for work, the daffodils smile up at me
The rainclouds have opened up, washing clean the earth
The birds sing their hearts out, trilling familiar songs
And the trees with high branches, wave from their canopy

The earth is my brother, formed by the same Creator
Who patiently loves us and uses both tree and children alike
To teach, to comfort, to embody love, and to show
That life goes on, through thunderstorms that shake our roots.

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