Monday, March 21, 2005

Blessings Abound

The weekend spent gathering my things from storage and moving them south went exceptionally well. Other than Justin's gun in the glove compartment, and my need to cover my face as we drove near the Ogre's house, there were only wisps of him and the weekend was mostly peaceful.

First, I got to visit with my folks who looked pale and tired, but are holding up well. My dad had an opportunity to talk to Justin for awhile - something both men needed - and explained that he has given me away already - so his lack of attendance at our wedding should not be misconstrued as lack of approval. Justin also told my dad that he would take care of us - something he is proven he certainly intends to do.

Second - it was just like Christmas - opening boxes and trash bags to discover things we forgot we had. Some of these things have been packed for almost a year - so it was great. My boxes were pretty easily identifiable - the scent of vanilla and lavender wafting from them. I have a lot of clothes - and for that I am thankful (though ironically, today I am once again wearing the same gray skirt that I have worn twice a week for the last six months!!)

We got everything to fit in the U-Haul trucks, made a quick run to Goodwill to drop off a couple of items and got to eat lunch at Culvers- not health food, but man it was good. Packing took from about 8 until 2:30, the kids got to see their friends, Jake got to see his dad and I slept like a rock. Unloading was fairly uneventful -though I developed a deep respect for semi drivers - I had to back the U-haul with trailer in-tow down the road to the house - it wasn't pretty.

Third blessing was the realization that God had planted my new yard - there is a tulip tree, hundreds of daffodils in a range of colors, tulips are peeking up, Irises and Daylillies are about eight inches high, little violets are blooming in the yard and there is a Bradford pear awash in white clouds already. I was so sad about leaving all my bulbs and flowers in Indiana - it is like God knew what I was going to lose, so He planted them at the new house.

Fourth blessing - we set a wedding date, which gives me about 6 weeks to get the new house unpacked and ready for visitors! I am happy and tired and my muscles feel like I over did it a bit, but it is a good kind of tired. More boxes to unpack and some bed frames to set up today - and we should be ready to sleep at the new house by the weekend. Can hardly wait!

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