Friday, September 17, 2004

What a difference a day makes

It was only this morning that I thought I was finally free. Less than ten minutes after I signed the paperwork, there was an urgent call from my lawyer's office. The women's shelter had called them. Unfortunately, the Ogre's girlfriend was there at the shelter and was concerned for my safety. Not only had he roughed her up, but he had confessed to having a plan to kill the kids and I after the divorce was final. My lawyer told me to leave for safety immediately, not going by the house and not picking up my kids - just take off and have someone else do that. The whole conversation was surreal. My voicemail light was on, so I checked it - and sure enough, it was the lady from the women's shelter ( who ironically, I had just met with yesterday to talk over how dangerous the Ogre might really be.) I called back, the girlfriend was still there and is also concerned for her own safety. I questioned whether this might be a ploy she said the girlfriend was visibly shaken and that she had bruises. Also said that the girlfriend was making a statement to the police. She agreed to call me back and talk about my plan.

Again, that feeling that the room was spinning and my adrenaline was cranking. I made a couple of calls to assure that the kids were safe and would be safe until I could get there. Then I started trying to get in contact with my safe-places. yeah, I have a happy place, and it will be safe and I can finally get some sleep.

I had spent the night last night praying for a sign so that I could discern what to do, here's your sign. When the women's shelter and you lawyer CALL you and says to run now - guess it is time.
So I have a 30 day leave from work, all my ducks in a row, so to speak, and I am off on a new and incredibly frightening adventure. I have about ten thousand emotions all flying around at once, but mostly, I am so thankful that I found out early - and that I have people I can count on to protect me. Thank you.

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