Wednesday, November 08, 2006

All things Bright and Beautiful

1. Britney filed for divorce yesterday and was reported to look relaxed. I bet - girl, take the kids - keep your stuff and start over sister - you are only 24 - which is way to young to be living through that much drama. I liked the first guy she was married to - maybe she can get him back when the time is right. Oh yea, and don't kiss Madonna - I saw her book - you don't know where her mouth has been.

2. Mother Earth magazine has a campaign for the month of November, encouraging everyone to replace the regular light bulbs in their home with the more energy efficient - Energy Star - long lasting bulbs. They are readily identified by the big star on the package - and can save you about $60 a year on energy costs. Speaking of which, we turned off the extra fridge in our carport - seems it was costing us about $25 a month to run! We need solar panels. seriously, I may get some when our tax check comes in April. There is a guy locally who has them and he sells energy back to the energy company.

3. I have had three days with a nearly non-existant patient load, enabling me to study up on a new insulin pump system and catch up on my other reading - it has been really great.

4. Crystal Light makes a Green Tea with Raspberry. I stink at making tea - though I don't know why I have so much trouble with it. I have tried buying Green Tea drinks, but they have a weird aftertaste. Even though this has some artificial flavor, there are still the tell-tale antioxidants - and it actually tastes good - even though it is the color of pee. I am trying to reduce my dependence on Coke Zero - and the plethora of other diet drinks I have been consuming. It isn't healthy for me - and I need to work on it - so I am switching - slowly but surely. I want to be Dr Weil when I grow up.

5. I got a new doe from my friend Amber last night. She is a fence jumper and was in by herself. She is a yearling and has been in with a dark carmel buck for about two weeks. Her name was Spring before, but since all of ours have people names (except Nosey, though I have heard people called that before) I am changing her name to Sarah. Just fits her lively personality much better. Koda was sitting just outside the pen this morning, watching her, and barking if she put her hooves on the fence.

6. Josh has patched things up with the girl - whom I like very much. She came to the house last week, and I like how they are together. Of course, I only see bits and peices of it - but I am pleased with what I see. I am so proud of the kind of man he is turning out to be, even though I have to keep on him about little things.

In not good news, I have to go home and fix the pig pen - then try to catch Yoshi - she broke the 2X2 on her pen and is running loose with the goats. They don't like that at all because, well, she is a pig and goes from spot to spot eating everyone's food and knocking over the water troughs like she needs more mud to roll in. And the pens are really mushy and soaked from the full day of rain yesterday. Chasing a wet pig in the rain. This should be great.


Sarah said...

Like the choice of the name change and lively is a good pick of adjectives.

Loner said...

I thought of that when I posted - though she does have a bit of light brown hair -she resembles your personality, not your appearance!