Monday, June 12, 2006

What's one more...

We decided, after inhaling some cool air that we would go with Summer and Ian to dinner. Ian has a wonderful book on US tourist sites which has a picture of a Navajo couple on the front. How funny, that a tour book actually pictured some of the true Native Americans on the front. After listening patiently to me gush about the Beauty of the Reservation and the Navajo people, Ian found the page with the restaurant information. The ad promised bar food - and it sounded great ( we were not disappointed - the food was excellent) It was a good ways away - but we trotted off optimistically.

Then we got out of the air conditioning and into the warm evening. We had already walked for about 3 1/2 hours at Rock City - so we decided to take the trolley to the restaurant. This weekend was also RiverFest, so the trolley was crowded. I followed Jake on the trolley and stood at the back of the bus, holding on the handrail, followed by Justin, Josh, Ian and Summer.

The boys were standing, but Summer was able to get a seat near a nice woman, who told her that they should scoot down so that her mother ( me) could have a seat.

Now I am not sure if she thought Ian was one of my kids as well, since she didn't say. But either I looked 10 years older after being outside all morning - or Summer's girlish good looks belied her age. Either way, for a moment there - I got to be Summer's mom - and I got a seat on the trolley - so I am not complaining.

We got a good chuckle out of it later, with Summer saying she looked like she was only 15. Jake who was sitting next to her, dreamy eyed, took that opportunity. He asked if she was really only 15 and moved his chair closer, thinking maybe he could have a shot against that older Irish guy. But Summer reassured him that she was out of his range - and a couple years older than 15. He said " summer... that is my favorite season." and giggled in the way that middle school kids do when they are trying to be charming.


lifemundane said...

Sounds like you had a much deserved, long over due time-out. I love Rock City, but then again anywhere in the mountains is my kind of place; but only in the summertime....uh no pun intended.

Summer said...

Loner, I seriously love your kids (and not in that creepy older woman pervy way either). They're so well-behaved and considerate. And Jake *is* a charmer... you better watch out for him in a couple years, you'll be losing him to some ditsy teeny bopper.

I had so much fun with y'all at dinner. :)

SJ said...

Haha yeah your boy was so coming onto my girl ;)

I just wish I could have tried the cocktail list, they all looked delicious!