Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Today is the big day - and oddly enough, I don't feel any older.

Justin says he didn't mind being married to a forty year old woman as much as he thought he might - of course he was delerious since we were still awake when it struck midnight and my birthday started - so I didn't make him sleep out with the goats.

My brother, Davey, called at 6:30 to make sure he said happy birthday

My folks sent me a care package - including several perfect presents - flocked work gloves, a great spinner with a lady bug for my garden, and an ice cream scoop with a sharp edge. I will be trying it out with birthday cake tonight!!! Mom also picked out a ceramic jar with sunflowers. It is a "little box" and I am sure that is why she sent it.I am a pack rat. I have about fifty - or more like a hundred - little boxes with stuff in them. One with lip balm, one with jewelry, one with old movie stubs - seriously - just stuff. So now I have another little box to put at the bedside!

We went swimming with my inlaws last night - and in a surprise move, my mother in law gave me some beautiful flowers and a check for a birthday present. It was very thoughtful - and unexpected. They also gave me a cooler with the strict admonishon to take it inside....and I just now remembered it the next morning - so I am off to the parking lot ot go retrieve the cooler!!!

Hope today finds you well

And if you need some 666 humor - here is a cute spot I found.


hedlund said...

Have a great birthday Stace -- you deserve it! XOXOXO

Loner said...

not too shabby - got kissed by Justin - then by Mark bright and early!!!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday! You are a sexy 40 year old. Sending you birthday hugs....

Chris said...

Have a good one! Even with three kids, you don't look a day over Thirty...five...

(although that would make for some interesting math with Jerra's age.)

BTW: Your link should be:

Anonymous said...

40 on 666, huh? Really tempting fate aren't ya?

Have a great birthday! 40 ain't nothing, miss young thang!

nunya said...

Bad me not to wish you a happy birthday sooner. Parents' divorce was final today...mind has been elsewhere.