Thursday, June 08, 2006

Three Sisters Planting

Someone posting this in a webgroup I belong to, and it struck me how odd it is anymore to see people who do mixed planting - when it used to be what the First People planted here. I may try this and let you know how it goes!

"The way we did it, where I was raised:
Dig hole with stick.
Put dead fish and Tobacco in bottom.
Say prayers.
Add 7 corn seeds.
Add earth.
Add Tobacco, say prayers.
Add four squash seeds.
More Tobacco and prayers.
Add earth.
Add seven bean seeds.
Add earth.
Add Tobacco, say prayers, fill up hole with earth.
Go away.
Come back every month or so.
No tilled garden, just a spot where the sunlight would reach in wooded areas.
Corn grows up. Beans climb corn. Squash covers ground and retains moisture.
Harvest as ready, offer prayers of appreciation and thanksgiving."

1 comment:

Dale said...

What a neat idea! If you plant it, let us know how it turns out.

I'm thinking today of your father. Please rest in the knowledge that eventually things will work out for the best, no matter how it turns out.

PS. What's "hilljack"?