Thursday, May 25, 2006

Vacation. all I ever wanted. Vacation had to get away.

Don't you miss the days when the Go Go's made it seem like life was simple. Water skiiing in formation - happily swathed in pink.... oh the days of youth!

We were supposed to be seeing my extended family this weekend in Kansas City - but our trip has been cancelled - and now I am spending some much needed time working on my house - and more importantly, resolving to work on my tan. I think AC had a valid point yesterday - about overdoing it - and I looked through my archives and saw that I have been whining about being tired for a long time. So, I hit bottom yesterday.

But I am resolving - again - to try to only focus on those things that actually matter. So when you come by the house, it will need cleaning, there will probably be dishes to do - but my garden is growing, and I will be back to happy. Because the little stuff isn't worth having a stroke over.


hedlund said...

Always try to do some things to work on you, kiddoe. Though it may be hard to find the time, it'll relieve your stress and you'll find that you are less tired.

My turn to give YOU advice! How do you like that?

Cala Lily said...

I have a friend who has a sign on her door. It reads, "If you've come to see my house, please make an appointment. If you've come to see me, come on in."

Words to live by.