Monday, May 22, 2006

a knock upside my head

we went to see my folks this weekend. My dad has been battling lymphoma, my mother, battling fear. It is very difficult watching people struggle through things you can't fix - especially for me because I am a fixer.

See a problem, come up with a solution, try something to fix it.

And as we were leaving my parents I said something that I scarcely can believe came out of my mouth - but something I needed to hear.

Sometimes we pray for an answer and the answer is no, or not right now. Sometimes we don't realize the significance of the trials we aer going through. There are lessons to be learned, stories to me made. But they always seem to take too long. The important thing is that we grab joy where we can find it - enjoy our time - our troubles can wait for us back at home.

So I have decided to be thankful that I have broad shoulders - though I could live without the broad hips - and go back to carrying my load without feeling sorry for myself. It doesn't help anyway. And today, the sun shines brighter - and the birds sing louder and I absorb joy, small though it may be, wherever I can find it.

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