Tuesday, December 19, 2006

to my friend

The first Christmas after my divorce was final, was really difficult. Not that the divorce was the wrong thing, it absolutely was the right thing. But knowing I had loved and lost, well that was painful. Wondering where in the world I was going to get enough money to take care of Bear and I without borrowing - that was difficult. So I did what any good mom does - I did without. Who needs frills when you have peanut butter and milk to feast on?

We have families, we have friends, but I thought sending you something in that smiley package from Amazon might be just what you needed to brighten your days - as your words so often brighten mine.

Merry Christmas, my friend.

1 comment:

J said...

I got the smiley face box!!!! I GOT IT! Hahah!

You made my entire day. You're the best. Love you much!