Tuesday, December 19, 2006

All I want for Christmas

Well of course I'd like peace on earth, restored health for my Dad and a job for my husband and daughter - but other than that, this is what I want ( the workers are framing the deck that will come off our bedroom through those French doors that right now open into nothing, and overlook the acre and a half of woods that makes up our little farm.
Thanks honey.


Badpatty said...

You're welcome, honey. I'm glad that I was able to give you something that you want, rather then just being dirt-poor. I love you, and I love having you as my wife.

J said...


Nevermind the deck- what about that super sweet ass comment from your husband up above ?!

Y'all are awesome.

The deck is going to become your little get away! :)

Envoy-ette said...

How wonderful to find a man that thinks outside....er....on a deck!