Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Things I learned this week

1. It is WAY more difficult to be married to someone I genuinely like and respect because I can't just flip him off and walk away. Disagreements are just not the same when you actually have to discuss those difficult things and come up with a compromise.

2. When a Pyrenese/Newfoundland cross 40 pound puppy eats half a dozen whole eggs, it isn't pretty coming out the other end at 7am the next morning.

3. I have excellent muscle strength according to the chiropractor. Unfortunately, my big muscles are covered by a protective layer.

4. I can, in fact, follow a diet and practice what I preach for more than 7 days - 15 lbs gone.

5. A mop wedged in the door of the van, can in fact give me a concussion when I whack my head into it.

6. My house looks so much better after using hte new mop - even though my head still throbs from the whacking.

7. Strawberry daquaris are evil. The amount of hangover is directly proportionate to how great they tasted and the amount of rum hidden in the berry goodness.

8. I can in fact become to Tony Hillerman's mysteries, since they are set in the Lukachukai mountains and the area of the Navajo Reservation that I love. Now if only I could get all the girls to move back.

9. I rechecked my math - and all my kids will have graduated high school by 2013. That is freaking amazing - I will be 47.

10. Kitten Bob is incredibly strong. He pushed out the screen and was walking the windowsill above the pack of dogs waiting anxiously for him to miss step. I said strong - not smart.


Mahala said...

A Pyrenese/Newfoundland cross? Dang girl, is he saddle broke yet?

Anvilcloud said...

Way to go!! That's a pretty incredible weight loss.

SJ said...

My pilates instructor keeps telling me number 3 as well haha