Sunday, October 24, 2010

Technology has now Officially Invaded my Dreams

About two years ago, I had Siruis radio and listened to Mary Occhino quite a bit. I find her fascinating - and her words seem to help people feel better even if the answers she has to give aren't great. I believe that we all have a connection to things we cannot see- whether you call it Fate, or Angels, or Guides or God- it is some intelligent power that connects us to one another as well. She encouraged people to pay attention to their dreams, as sometimes that is the only opportunity when you mind is quiet enough to hear what you need to hear.

That being said, I have journalled my dreams off and on- especially when they are something significant. And I had the most unusual thing happen in my dream last night.

There is this man who I cannot figure out what to do with- I may have mentioned this a zillion times before, sorry - I met him online dating, then followed his e-newsletter, then became his friend on Facebook, then finally met in person. A lot of e-interaction followed by real interaction which is back to e-interaction because of his traveling schedule. Only, even in e-interaction he will have some times that he answers me right away - and then it will be two weeks before I hear anything. So frustrating because that is a clear indication that he is not that into me- which is fine, except then he says things that indicate he is into me. I have concluded that if his tactic is to keep me guessing and make me keep thinking about him as a means of getting my attention- positive or negative- that it is working. I checked last night before I went to bed, answered a couple of messages and realized that he hadn't answered my note. So as I went to sleep, I reminded God that I wanted a man who put Him first and who had a good heart- and that I was still waiting as patiently as I can.

So somewhere in the middle of the night I dreamt that I was in Thailand with this man - I had picked him up in a convertable and we were driving. We had gone a little way up into the hills when I asked what was wrong- his face was contorted in pain. He said we needed to stop for a restroom - and there was a little roadside place with a red and white striped awning where we pulled in. There were rows of Thai people in line waiting to get to this little window to order food- he went around the side to the restroom and I waited in the car. Somehow I got into his Twitter account ( I've never been on Twitter and I have no idea how it works, except that people have accounts) There were numerous updates about me - how he just wasn't interested and wished I get the hint- you get the drift. So I waited for a couple minutes, then pulled away to go up the hill, intending to come back I guess. When I got there, a little old lady gave me a ticket and told me to come in- where she presented me with the most adorable white puppy with curly hair and carrot-colored spots. I can't keep it, but I really want to keep it. How am I going to get her back on the plane with me?
Then the man came walking up the sidewalk which apparently connected the two places. No comment about the fact that I wasn't where he left me. We went in to have dinner in this little Thai place and then I headed back to the airport, puppy in tow and put her on the flight with me.

I've never hacked someone's Twitter account, but if that is what I am gonna find, I'll pass.

I resolved this morning to put the situation with him on a back burner- it is taking up too much of my thought time without any good reason to do so. And I'll keep reminding the Lord that I trust Him to not leave me hanging.


Anvilcloud said...

It's probably not what you'd really find on a Twitter account, but maybe I'm wrong. I'd say that part of you knows or fears where this relationship isn't heading. Yes, I think it might be good for you to leave it in other hands as in "My grace is sufficient for thee."

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

How do you remember dreams in such detail? May I suggest you dream may suggest "Get a dog." May I suggest a Great Dane, like my Heidi. They are a loyal affectionate and attentive breed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
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