Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Joys of a Very Plain Life

I have a couple of close friends who live nearby. Sometimes, my adventures with them are just so exciting that I forget that I live a very mundane life.

Last weekend, my friend's kids were just on her last nerve- as kids are wont to do. When I walked in her kitchen she looks me in the eye and says: I was really upset a couple minutes ago, but now I've had a Lexapro and I feel just fine". She swears it works that fast ( placebo effect is all that works that fast)

Then we were at the park cultivating our tans and walking around while the kids played basketball. There was a man who got his two HUGE dogs out of the car, after putting down a little pink matt for them to hop down on. He proceeded to walk them around in his tan non-descript outfit- not bothering anyone. As he goes to load them back in the car, my friend says: "See that guy? He is definitely a child molester, it is a good thing we're here!" And I had to laugh - we are at the park with 15-18 year old teenaged boys- not sure who would want to steal them - but I'd be willing to bet they could take care of them himself.

There was also a very handsome young Hispanic man who was walking with his daughter. Broad muscular shoulders peeked out from his red t-shirt. I was about to remark that he was handsome- and then- I noticed his pants. Honestly, I think his wife knows he is handsome and quite possibly told him they looked great on him. I swear they were made out of that red and white tablecloth material. Nice. Checkerboard shorts as protection against wandering eyes at the park. Good call.

The final straw came when this little tiny Asian girl came walking past with a group of friends. My friend looks at me- I know the comment is coming - but there is nothing I can do to stop this. We are both chubby middle-aged Irish girls- curves are a part of our makeup. She looks at me and says: You know what we need to do? We need to figure out the gene that makes Asian people thin and bottle it. We could win the Nobel Prize."

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