Thursday, July 15, 2004

My own private scheduled downtime

I came to the realization that I have not had more than 24 hours to myself since April.  I have dealt with the onset of epilepsy in my rambunctious child, a new husband who committed adultery and then filed for divorce, a car theft, a move, a dog being run over, ten trips out of town, (not counting the ones to see my folks) and a multitude of great but overwhelming feelings about the beginning of restoration.
I like Job not because of the man, but because it is a testimony to how God restores a person's life to them.  Through all of this, I knew that He would see me through, that I would not have a breakdown, that I would be able to take the high road (at least for the most part). He has plans to prosper me, not to harm me.  I am thankful now that I have tried to behave in a manner that would make Him proud - and sorry for those moments that my temper got the better of me.  In return the most wonderful thing has happened, I have found someone who restores my faith in what men can be. He is just human like the rest of us, but he is kinder to me than anyone has ever been.  I know there are wonderful men in this world - my dad, my uncles, my sons.  I also know that I have ended up on the wrong end of that spectrum way too many times.  What an amazing thing to find someone who lets me dream again.
There is no way to know what the future brings for any of us - but to steal his line, if I got hit by lightning today, I would die happy, knowing that I have been blessed.
So this weekend, I am going to take some time away from being a mother and just be a girl - maybe be a woman if the weekend goes well. 

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