Wednesday, October 20, 2010

possibly shooting myself in the foot....

So I realized tonight as I was talking to my daughter about the aforementioned friend that I may in fact have given him the insight to act upon his feelings for someone else.

There is a little twinge of sorrow because I certainly didn't want to talk him out of liking me- only to being open to love- thought I didn't mention myself as a possible object of that affection.

I did not think about my own situation - and when someone has as many single women friends and acquaintences as this person does....well I didn't even think about the possibility that he might already have someone he was interested in- someone he was just waiting for the right opportunity to express his emotions....and I just encouraged him to do just that.

Honestly, I am laughing at my own total lack of ability to help my own love life here- and if he already has a someone, I certainly don't want to stand in the way. Funny things I do to myself.

I feel kind of like the guy who invents a robot to do his job more efficiently and invents himself right out of a job....

In other news, I finally broke down and checked my Statcounter which you see over to the right. There are a lot of people stopping by whom I don't recognize. If you stop by, I'd love it if you'd leave me a comment - just to say hi!

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