Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Multiple Choice

New Job
I started my job on Monday. Finally as I don't think I could take another week at home. The kitchen paint isn't done, but the need to be productive is so overwhelming that I was running out of things to fix. I decided that if I hadn't had that pressing need for income so that I could get things paid off - and make another run to Target, I could probably handle being home all day. I liked being here when the kids came home and being around to chat with Bear when she was home between classes.

I think I am going to like the new job, though today I was in the actual office for the first time, in the room next to where my new boss was. I overheard her talking to the nurse at the office where I'll be about some personnel problems and her comment was that I am blunt ( well, I am by my own admission) and that it will be good to infuse me into that office. That's a little scary, but a pretty great compliment.


Just wanted to vent and say that there is no excuse for it to take 5 weeks to confirm that a person has a professional license. It is online for Pete's sake! I can call in about 2 minutes with the correct information and bam - there is the verification. I am sure these people, like may other government workers are busy, but it cost me a month's insurance and four weeks pay.

Well, I am experiencing proof that what you sow, you will also reap. I have been broke most of my adult life as a result of raising three kids on one income. Plus, I really don't fuss much about having cash - when the money is gone we wait until we make more - it is just money and there are so many people in this life which are more important. This would probably cause my father to scream - but he has seen it in practice, so at least it wouldn't be a surprise. Anyway, I was thinking on my drive home today that there have been a couple of windfalls when I had money to pay off bills and give to my friends who were in a spot - a thousand towards a wedding, a couple hundred for bills, and nearly another thousand on Christmas for kids who had lost their parents and money spent on traveling and taking care of family. Maybe there were other things - can't remember, don't really care about where the money went - only that I am truly thankful I was on the giving end at one time. I have spent a long time feeling like to ask for any help was problematic - to ask for money was the ultimate sin. I hardly knew how to respond, other than to be deeply thankful, when I was told not to worry about bearing all the financial burdens of my family - that financial help was being offered and I was expected to accept it gracefully. It is really odd to be on the receiving end, but for yet another act of kindness, another thing I can never repay, I wanted to express my thanks.

My hair is red and it is my own damn fault

I bought a box of hair color because I liked the results of the temporary color we did at Halloween. I thought I might like being a brunette, so I got the box. I have used this brand before, with no drama, only color I liked. Well, I took it upon myself to put the color on thinking that later in the evening Bear could apply the highlights. OOPS - it came out flaming burgundy - or mahogany - or whatever. It is a color I can definitely not pull off. SO last night Bear skipped the highlights - which by the way woudl have been pink - and added some brown so that my poor patients do not think they are getting dietary advice from a pudgy rock star.

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