Your friends, the fractionated pieces of your life, in picture form with glimmers of sunlight and smiling faces look out at me like stills from an old family album.
While you were sleeping - that relaxed and renewing sleep after the sweetness of life has graced your hours - the curls in your hair filled my daydreams
Through endless miles, I thought of the things you have said to me in friendship, in concern, in service to my family and was filled with thankfulness for you. Passion infuses your words when humor does not, allowing a stream of endorphins and adrenaline to fill the space between us.
It takes a lot more courage to be honest when what you say isn't what the other person wants to hear. That kind of courage is lacking today - impressed is an understatement. When the person in question is formidable, well, then courage is an understatement as well.
The sparks from the split logs in your fireplace emanate warmth and light, like prayer bundles, carrying my burdens skyward. There is comfort in a desolate season where warmth eludes me.
While you were sleeping, I thought about the times that I was not able to be myself and then not able to be the someone else I had become. Decent honorable people are few in this world. Those who take the time to look under the facade are even more rare. I am blessed to count you as my friend and I realized that while you were sleeping.
A fine, little essay.
I am sure what you write is similar to what a love of my life thought as she arose in the middle of the night to write me a four page letter telling me how wonderful I was and why our relationship was over. Life is complicated.
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