Monday, November 08, 2010

Best Friends and Other Life Miracles

Loyalty is just not that common anymore. We seem to think that we are in a disposable world: where paper cups and people have the same worth. I've heard people say that other people are irretrievable - that they are not worth my "time" or that they are not worth the effort. Believe me, if you get to know someone and invest the time, it will be well worth it. Like spending $200 to find out that someone is not who they pretend to be - totally worth it to avoid the pain.

Let's be clear - I wasn't around when time or the length of my earthly stay were decided- I just happen to be the very thankful recipient of the gift of life - and I am jumping in with both feet to enjoy it these days. At 44, I am not sure if I am halfway through- maybe even 3/4 of the way, who knows - but I do know what is important.

People are important. Love and hope are important. Showing up is important. Deodorant is also important as is toothpaste. Just sayin'.

This weekend, I watched two of my closest friends, Spencer and Tamela, marry each other. While on the surface it may look like it was me who introduced them- and I did pester them until they agreed to meet - the truth is that the Holy Spirit had them paired up all along. So we believed in love and we showed up. Only, it was I who was blessed by their event - it was I who felt loved and honored by the events of the weekend - and I was reminded of just how powerful love can be when placed in the right hands.

I have been spending a lot of time with another of my friends lately. There is a challenge to keep up when you take two people who both think quickly and try to keep the conversation on any sort of linear train. But a challenge is good for me- and the fact that the time just flies when we are talking is just an added bonus. Patience and acceptance are good. Understanding is good. And all of these things are not a part of the idea that people are disposable, but that people are worth our time and our love. Can't argue with results.

My dear friend, Steph, came over to Atlanta this week. Haven't seen each other in a couple of years and it is just like we were neighbors again. We have been friends since Arizona- so over 13 years now- and that gives her the right to say whatever she feels like she needs to. Easy conversation - honesty - talking about the things we face as working moms and the potential solutions. Nothing better than alone time with an old friend whose counsel you trust. She is a treasure and seems to be continually looking out for my best interest- for the gift of an angel who watches over me- I am again thankful.

Over the weekend - and on most weekends, I spent time with my friend Mary. She is like my older sister, since I didn't have an older sister. With 5 kids, she has a lot of mothering experience - a quick sense of humor - but most importantly, she always makes me feel welcome at her house. The ability to go there and just be for a few hours is invaluable. It is with her family that holidays and birthdays are celebrated in my yellow kitchen. She is who I call in the morning on my way to work. Mary is an action hero- if you need something taken care of, she signs up -she SHOWS up when there is a program at church or a friend who just had surgery and needs a meal. She is a gem and has taught me a lot about having a servant's heart - always the first one there and the last one to leave at church functions. She definitely gets that right.

My friend J has taught me a lot about acceptance. For a long time - even into this year - I felt GUILTY about feeling what I feel. Seriously, that is not healthy thinking and I would not be pleased with my kids at all if they did the same thing. She taught me that being just who you are, and saying what you really think is charming and lovely and most of all: not a cause for folks to run away screaming from you.

Tonight is the coup de gras, though. I am going to see my friend Lora. She is my oldest and dearest friend- having met her at Parents Without Partners when I was pregnant with Josh - so nearly 20 years ago! hard to believe. She has been my model for single parenting, a model for my Walk with Christ and my closest confidant. We know each other's secrets and that is a wondrous place to be- liberating in that there isn't anything I can say that would shock her because she has seen me at my worst - and she loves me anyway. Though we live over 4 hours away right now, she is as close as the phone. We trade dating stories, kid stories and we keep each other in prayer- probably the most valuable aspect of our friendship.

I felt moved this morning to write about this, because in the end, it is the love of those around you which is important- the network of making friends and intertwining your lives that is so very touching - and it is that love that fills the heart to overflowing.

Here is my wish for you: that you know the love of a dear friend who "gets" you and loves you anyway. That you show up and be present in the first place and most importantly, that your life is full of moments which steal your breath. Be blessed.


Anvilcloud said...

You are certainly not lacking for good friends. I guess things have a way of working out at least to some degree.

Anonymous said...

I have never been called an angle before. I think you are one for me.


Fox Fleet said...

I call that the BIC Syndrome, which is a by-product of a Bean-Counter Economy.

For instance NCR laid off 250 field techs. They promptly moved that reduction in operating costs to profits colum. Made mgt. responsible to increase their profit margin the following Quarters. ( ? )
The mgrs that meet this goal eventually have no one to manage!
The mgrs that do not meet this goal become a new addition to the profit colum. (g) Of course this only makes sense to a Bean-Counter as it looks GREAT on paper. Which is what an Annual Report is.
There is no colum for Customer Service rating, Customer Satisfaction, Customer LOYALTY, returning business, rebuy, upgrade, renewing contract, etc.

THE Golden Rule states: He who has the gold makes the rules?
Which lead one to the alarming conclusion:
A national deficit means our government owes money to banks.
Who then actually runs the government? Politicians or the auspices that own the debt? Ever try regulating a bank that owns trillions of dollars of your debt?
Say....Chinese foriegn policy?
From the Wall with Nixon to the bowing Obama? Less than 50 yrs for China to OWN the United States.
True, it is not immediately visible as it is not tangible goods.
Debt based economies are very dangerous for so many reasons. This being only one of them.

The point?
What happens to the poeple who are RIF'd, fired, dismissed, let-go, contracts completed, etc? They are forced to play the game of "climbing the roll of toilet paper". We all knew what was coming. But, what were our alternatives? Take a loss on the house? Skip the gold toof? Skip the tattoos? Skip the extra face peircings? Skip the newest spinners?
Or make it known we will not buy cheap, disposable, one-shot, single-use...
but, there's the to make the mortage, car payment, government required insurance, credit cards....
When BANKS own businesses or HUGE business debt what type of products would one expect? ( g )
Who else could make the number one products paper, plastic, and air but a bank?

Yet, we call this a theory as if enough people woke up...there would be a war. Starting with those still climbing the roll of toilet paper. I have watched so many proudly take their place on the cardboard roll. Only to figure out too late it is a paper treadmill. ( ! ) "GLAMOROUSLY situated atop rolling mountians of beautiful, prestine, white toilet paper where the scents and fragrances hide the SMELL of what is really going on here! Yet are we really surprised we have no time to raise children with morales, moral, values, educating them properly, family skills, communication skills, etm?
Is it truly a suprise there is little left but chaos-culture? Street culture? Gansta-culture?
Really? Did it take a crystal ball to see this one coming? Yet, the ever rolling paper, filled with boastful neighbors making it to the next square of tissue, numbing masses joining the infinetly limited climb...those at the top praying desperately they can run long enough and fight hard enough to maintain their stance on the final role of stationary cardboard versus being shot off into the toilet? It is sad, piteous, criminal, retardation at its worst as it is a fostered retardation of countries, societies, and cultures.

It is evil.

Anonymous said...
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Fox Fleet said...

oops...error msg's returned "comment not posted due to connection fault". posted every time.