Thursday, November 18, 2010

iPads, constant contact and Harry Potter

About two weeks ago, my company brought all of us together for training and lavished upon us an iPad. Now before you get all excited or jealous about my new technological toy- let me remind you that I still struggle with my smart phone - and did not own one Apple piece of equipment prior to this item -so I am in WAAAAAY over my head. I have figured out how to use YouTube and the PDF display for clinical articles, and this week, I figured out PODCASTS. I love books on tape- and the idea that I can listen to my favorite authors without having to stop and read a book- well, I am in hog heaven about this.

One of my friends said it best: Steve Jobs is a genius, until I had an iPad, I didn't know I needed one and now I can't imagine living without one. huh.

So today on my hour drive home I listened to a podcast on being intentional about what you want in your life. The author who was in her 40s stated that she had gone through a series of steps in order to bring romantic success to her life. When I heard them, they really rang a bell, so here goes:

1. Forgive yourself for your past faults, failings, adventures, weight....whatever you need to forgive to move on. Get out of your own way.

2. Heal up any old relationships- you know, like the one with your ex who is still your friend, right? Yes, that is correct.

3. Make a list of those things you want in a mate ( my friend Steph did this ages ago- it worked) and look for someone who has most all of those traits, and definitely all the non- negotiables.

4. Be patient and get on with your life while you wait.

Well said, ma'am. And there is the glimmer of a possibility that my waiting days are numbered. That'd be great.

Several months ago, I met someone and I thought he had real potential. He was definitely the kind of man I was interested in on paper. I struggled to make sense of his behavior, and because I couldn't make it fit, it never moved past that awkward stage. And for that I am grateful.

Because had that moved on to something else, I would not be on my way to go see Harry Potter on opening night with someone who fits - and who doesn't make me struggle at all.


AC said...

iPads are very cool. I'd like to have one although I have no idea what I would do with it.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I think the four points you mentioned are good. I have never been able to forgive myself for my shortcomings that contributed to the end of my marriage decades ago.
I have never remarried. Too risky!

Loner said...

AC - I'm with you and much of the time feel totally inadequate in utilizing it.

P - I used to feel the same way - and I married again anyway- heck of a ride despite the risk and I think I learned quite a bit along the way, would totally make that mistake again.