Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Something to Talk About

Well, it is official, I am moving back to Indianapolis.  There, I said it outloud.
Now comes the fun part. Packing and sorting and most difficult is being patient while everything falls into place.
Much like our move here, I have placed my life in the Hands of God which thusfar, has always worked out so much better than anything I could have planned out myself.
It took a while, but once I finally submitted and just became thankful for that which He has given me, a sense of utter calm has pervaded over the past few days, thus necessitating a post and public acknowledgement.

Already, people I've known since I moved here almost 8 years ago have a lot to say about this particular move back.  My two older kids are probably staying in Atlanta - they are grown and can certainly take care of themselves, so that works for me. You cannot abandon adults who were invited to go with you and declined.  My youngest is still under 18 and will go with me - so my actual child is not being abandoned.

But it is the other part that will make tongues wag.
They will say that we moved too quickly
That we couldn't possibly know this soon
That we were rash
They will say that we had a whirlwind romance
That we seem to be in our own little world
That we were made for each other
That we feed off each other's energy
That we are happy as clams
Then they will say that we worked hard and loved each other in a way worthy of a love story - that we wrote our own love story, co-authored by God.
They will say that this is what love looks like.
I adore love stories
and before this I thought those stories of love where people just knew were utter hogwash.
I have seen glimpses of it - my friend Spencer, when he found his wife - there was this magic.  And my friend Jeanna- when I saw her with her husband there was this energy that defied explaination - definitely the real thing.  But those are glimpses, they don't show up all the time, so it hardly seemed real.

But I did just know....and more important than that, he just knew too.
For the first time ever - I didn't have to convince someone that I was worthy of loving only to lose them later on when I had moments that I was unloveable. It was like that moment when Mr Darcy comes back to say that he loved her, when Jamie carved his initial and Claire's in their palms, when Frankenstein fell in love with his bride. He knew me and loved me long before I ever kissed him- and now, having my last first kiss, I understand all the things I went through over these long days was to get me ready to be a good partner to a man who loves me back.

and my only regret is that I didn't find you sooner.


J said...


We need to go have a drink before you go! My gosh! I had not a clue any of these beautiful things were going on in your life! (Im smacking myself for being a distant friend, when we live so close).

Love to you! xo

Loner said...

That is one of the real blessings of your friendship: Once I saw you with Bill, I knew love like that was real and could happen so I recognized it when it finally happened to me. Miracle of miracles. And we definitely need to have drinks!! Love ya!