Friday, March 23, 2007

Some days suck...

This is a picture of my folks from last year - Father's Day if I remember correctly - just outside of the Roof Garden at Indiana Beach.
I talked to my mom last night for a long time. Seems that the radiation bought some time, but isn't doing all they want it to do for the cancer - and the kidneys are being shut off - so my dad is having surgery today - getting a line installed for dialysis.
They have been dealing with this for two years now, and I think it is a testament to how well my dad took care of himself for all those years, that he has been able to withstand all the chemicals coursing through his veins. And a testament to their faith - that they just keep trying even when it doesn't look so promising.
I wish I could fix it - I wish there was something else to do - but in the end, as in all else, we do teh best we can and rely on God to make up the difference. Sufficient unto the day.
And if you have a minute - say a prayer for them - pray for peace in their hearts, pray for strength - and healing wouldn't be bad either.
*update* in true Loner fashion, my dad decided things were too big of a mess at the hospital this morning - that there were too many problems - so he just called me and was on his way home. Apparently surgery is delayed - and he may be waiting for Dr Ash himself to insert the Ash split. You just never know,.


Dale said...

Done, Stace. Already done.


Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.