Tuesday, March 13, 2007


It astounds me when you get teenagers talking about ways to change the world. They are filled with so much hope, so much promise - and they are SURE that things can change.
I spent the weekend with a group of 27 kids and we talked about forgiveness, honor, truth, and of course being Catholic in the modern world. A lot of deep topics for 48 hours - but teh comments the kids had, the hope they had, was infectious.

There is the possibility that my friend and I will be in charge of the confirmicants next year, and I think we will probably choose a different camp - since the director was happy to take our money, but didn't respond to calls about setting up a campfire on Saturday or providing us with a vacuum.

I had to eat junk food, though, for most of our meals - and my belly was so upset by Sunday afternoon that I could hardly believe it. I crashed out for 4 hours, then tried to get back in the swing by cooking dinner.

Oh and note to self - if you are going to schedule a retreat weekend with teenagers, do it on a weekend where the time doesn't spring forward.

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