Monday, February 26, 2007


We have a great group of kids preparing for Confirmation this year. They have their moments of "kidness" but mostly, they are a likeable group. Another member of the parish came in to do their interview last night - to make sure they are sure about being confirmed and that they understand their faith. During her initial discourse, she mentioned three times that her second graders knew all this - and that these kids were not as together as her second graders.

Is there any reason to think that insulting someone will motivate them to want to be a part of your faith? I cannot imagine why she thought this was appropriate behavior.

Why is it that people feel they have some right to be nasty to others just because they can?


Lora said...

That is the $64,000 question my freind. I don't get it. My man, Kirk, makes it his goal to be the nicest person that customer service people i.e. wait staff, cashiers, etc. ever have to deal with. Wish there were more people like him! Sure would make the world a nicer place. I was at the car wash today and some a-hole had thrown nails all over the ground, they covered the wash bay I was in and the one next to me. The nice man washing his car beside me and I had a discussion about how rude people are these days. Sad!

Love ya,


Just Me said...

wow, that WAS rude

Amy said...

The thing that gets me about that is that the basis of most religions is kindness and not being judgemental.

Sounds like she needs a crash course herself!