Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Banner Day

1. I walked over to the hospital to have lunch with my friends, they called me as I was on my way back to say they couldn't make it - then the rain started. This gave me an excuse to go over to KFC and get chicken and green beans - not the healthiest meal, but pretty easy on the taste buds.
2. I am completely done Christmas shopping - everything has been either purchased or ordered and I am happy as a clam about that. Mom and Dad allowed me to buy gifts, within reason, for the family so that Mom wouldn't have to struggle with figuring out what they needed/wanted. I am thrilled with what I found. Oh - and today, I found a present that I had forgotten I bought for Justin - just one more lovely thing added to the mix.

3. I started taking Udo's oil capsules - because I am a wimp and couldn't stomach the oil itself. I have noticed that I sleep so deeply and my dreams are way more vivid - like last night when I was sorting things out on these shelves and I woke wondering where they had gone. Even people who eat healthy have items that could use supplementation, I love the oil, I think it helps me - and possibly Jake and his ADD stuff. Time will tell.

4. Germ-X - the hand sanitizer people make a Harvest Spice version that makes my hands smell like oranges and cloves - like some kind of portable mulling spice, only it is attached.

5. Three people sent me the article about how pop/soda/coke is bad for you - even though I drink diet most of the time. There are some studies, though, which suggest that pop consumption and the use of artificial sweeteners can impede weight loss - so as of yesterday, I am down to 2 cokes a day. That is a huge reduction. This is partially due to the Crystal Light Green Tea and Raspberry mix - which I know still has the artificial sweetener, but lacks the phosphates and sodium in cokes. One step at a time.

6. I found a new GYN who specialized in managing menopause - though this may or may not be what is going on - at least she was kind on the phone and made up for the poor behavior of the doc I saw last week.

7. My husband may still be looking for a job, but he is an ace at laundry. Which cracks me up because it is not my favorite chore at all - but I love coming home to clean laundry. We vented the dryer into the house, which cuts down on heating - but the current mid-60's makes it feel more like a sauna.

8. I have been reading the Gluten Free Girl, who has tons of recipes and charming anecdotes. Today she posted a recipe for cream puffs - one of my favorite items of all times. I am not sure how much of my bread problem is gluten, and how much of it is actually a problem with wheat - but these looked beautiful and I can't wait to try them!


Anvilcloud said...

I go through periods of cutting down on the Diet Coke. Whether it's terribly bad for you or not, it sure isn't good for you. But, I usually come to the conclusion that of all possible vices, it's pretty darn benign.

But I really should cut back.

Anonymous said...

We're still doing the oils, but we've also started a acupuncture protocol called N.A.E.T., and it's already having a great effect on behaviours and hyperactivity. I'll post more in the future. But it's also used for women's irregularities, so I thought you might be interested.

Just Me said...

I have a friend, the one who makes the spoon fudge I'm addicted to, who is about to start a company selling gluten free mixes. It's going to be called "glutenada". I'll let you know when her new site is up.

Envoy-ette said...

Hubby is the greatest dishwasher in the world! Laundry..not so much!