Tuesday, November 21, 2006

As the world turns

If you are looking for holiday ideas - Jerry has a great post about a chicken recipe.

Jake's birthday party, which included letting some of his friends in with our animals, went exceptionally well - the weather held out - and it was beautiful.

I have been a real slacker - sorry about that. I have been a bit under the weather - and my doctor rewarded my trip in to see her yesterday by some really terse remarks including that she would see me again in 2 weeks and at that time she would tell me I don't have cancer and I could just relax. So needless to say, I am in search of a new GYN doc. I am adopted, I have a colorful history and some risk factors that force me to take any GYN issues seriously - because I have no family history. I have always planned for the worst, and hoped for the best in that arena - and thus far, I have been less than happy with this doc. I wish people would consider that being in the health field should also require you to have a compassionate personality.

My friend invited my family over for Thanksgiving - I don't have to cook the dinner and I have both Thursday and Friday off - woopie! I am making some baked goods - from scratch - but no big dinner to prepare - makes me happy!

If I don'e get back between now and then - hope you all have a great Thanksgiving holiday.


Anonymous said...

Odd how some doctors think that you're paying them to be rude. Geez, if I want someone to be rude to me, I can get that at a mall for free!

Best wishes for good health, ma'am.

Sarah said...

Happy Turkey Day... gobble gobble....

Just Me said...

If I had a nickle for every rude Dr. I ever seen....

Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving and get well soon!

taza said...

and a happy day of giving thanks to all y'all out there on the Ridge, Stace!

Cindy-Lou said...

Does she think that sarcastic comments will make you stop worrying? Lame-ass.