Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Saga of Loner's Landing

My mom and my retirement fund came to the rescue and allowed us to get the house issue taken care of. Funny that when my dad said I should sock away money in my retirement so that I could borrow it for a rainy day I never thought that advice would get me out of a spot this sticky. Whew!
So thanks Dad for the advice, thanks Mom for the loan and kids, when I am retired adn wandering aroudn teh house looking for my drink rather than terroroizing old men at the retirement home ( because I used my retirement fund to keep our house) you kids will just have to tolerate me and possibly ply me with good bourbon. Currently I like Red Stag Black Cherry Bourbon- safe bet to stock up now so that at least if I am wandering around searching for my drink I am happy about it.

Now part two about the house:
The truth is that most of the repairs I have done were to the best of my ability - but my ability is REALLY limited. So there are repairs and improvements that are done "half-assed" if you will pardon the phrase. Since money is tight, we are going to start with the most critical repairs and work our way out. The wear and tear of 5 people and one little 4-year-old utilizing the bathroom has left it with two leaky faucets and what feels like an ongoing funk- so the bathroom is first. Don't worry - I'll post some pictures for you!

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