Thursday, October 05, 2006


Things you probably didn't know:
1. I sang with John Cougar Mellencamp during dime beer night at the Bluebird in Bloomington Indiana
2. I played darts once with Henry Lee Summer (the guy who sung " I wish I had a girl who walked like that") at a pub right across the street.
3. I always wanted to sing like Whitney Houston, and used to sing at weddings for cash during college - until #1 happened and I blew out my vocal cords.
4. I always wanted to have a huge family - like 10 kids. I sometimes still get babyitis.
5. I am aspiring to be Aunt Meg - from Twister - remember her? I loved her character and I want to be her when I grow up.
6. I took the MCAT to go to medical school - and I did pretty well.
7. I've been someone's mom since I was 20. I can't remember a time when I didn't have someone I was responsible for.
8. I have a not-so-secret crush on Peyton Manning. The Sprint commercials - well, that did it.
9. I dont watch TV much -but I save Monk, Psych, and My Name is Earl as well as the Indy 500 and Colts games when we can get them.
10. I went to Tijuana with my folks when Bear was a baby and bought a pair of silver earrings for $10 - and I still have them. I had no idea until years later that it was a seedy place.


Badpatty said...

Tijuana's seedy? Isn't that where you got all of your tattoos?

nunya said...

Babyitis? Wanna borrow my kids? We NEED another sleepover at the Ridge. (er, for the kids)